Loneliness, sometimes, not all times makes me think of Mary Oliver's words:

The Uses of Sorrow | Mary Oliver

(In my sleep I dreamed this poem)

Someone I loved once gave me

a box full of darkness.

It took me years to understand

that this, too, was a gift.

Recently, a fellow student student and I were on out way to an intensive but we wanted a coffee, then needed an Uber as we were late. I sat in the taxi, whilst my friend got the coffees, and the driver turned out to be an amazing teacher, from India - he spoke about how one can water from the ocean using a cup, however the water always somehow returns to the ocean ❤️

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Shirlz, Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts on loneliness, bringing in the potent words of Mary Oliver and this story about another wise Uber driver!

Loneliness, can be such a great teacher, and I find I can open up to its teachings when I move past the beliefs that it is an unpleasant experience. Sometimes when I lean into loneliness I end up feeling even more connected to the world at a vast and simultaneously intimate level.

And, these stories of unexpected connections - and deep sharing with strangers reminds me how immediate connection can be.

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