Welcome to the August OGI!
I hope this finds you well amidst whatever is going on with you and in the world around you.
Below are some themes and ideas I’ve been exploring these past weeks.
Creating from broken places to sustain the long game.
Imagine a coral reef, how the small branches are a reflection of the whole. If you look close enough you’ll see fractals.
The root of the word fractal comes from the Latin word fract meaning broken. At a core level, questions are fractals, and just as the coral reef scales up to create a larger whole, our questions hold the same potential.
This past year has exposed many questions and gaps. What I’ve experienced during the pandemic and the many unknowns is a fractal of a larger story. Suddenly I’m seeing the gaps in everything, and somedays it feels like there’s a pervasive theme of brokenness.
Amidst all of it, I’ve been stretched and striving to adapt. One core learning has been that creativity is a practice that keeps life going. It is a lifeline.
Even when things seem to be falling apart we can still make something out of nothing. And when we take the risk to courageously create from our own gaps and the fractals of our storyline we can tap into another source of energy.
Life emerges from the gaps. Inhabiting and creating from these spaces we move towards a more coherent wholeness and away from feeling things are broken.
When we strive for coherence in this process rather than perfection we can better sustain the long game we are all living.
Here are some of the things I’ve been exploring around these themes and two invitations.
The water is one thing, and one thing for miles.
The water is one thing, making this bridge
Built over the water another.
Walk it
Early, walk it back when the day goes dim, everyone
Rising just to find a way toward rest again.
We work, start on one side of the day
Like a planet’s only sun, our eyes straight
Until the flame sinks.
The flame sinks.
Thank God
I’m different.
I’ve figured and counted.
I’m not crossing
To cross back. I’m set
On something vast.
It reaches
Long as the sea.
I’m more than a conqueror, bigger
Than bravery.
I don’t march.
I’m the one who leaps.
From The Tradition. Copyright © 2019 by Jericho Brown. Used with the permission of The Permissions Company, Inc., on behalf of Copper Canyon Press.
Tim Ferris & Anne Lamott on Taming Your Inner Critic, Finding Grace, and Prayer (#522)
Listen here.
“Perfectionism is the voice of the oppressor.” — Anne Lamott
In this engaging, gritty, and real conversation, and author Anne Lamott speak about everything from writing, inner criticism, and addiction. Both Tim and Anne draw upon their own lived experience and personal struggles to shed light on creativity, life, and the healing journey. I appreciate the honesty with which they both share about their own broken places and how these spaces informed their development.
Brand, Signal, & Myth - Update!
Join Randall Garcia and me to explore the north star questions of your brand. We will explore simple techniques to hone our creative edge and explore your brand through a mythic lens. We will have a 2-hour orientation class on Friday, September 24th, 4:00-6:00 pm PDT.
Learn more here: https://catalysttochange.biz/offerings/p/brand-signal-myth
Then, in November we’ll launch a 4-part series so participants can have a cohort-like experience. Together we’ll dive deep into learning, developing your brand, and explore juicy timeless content in engaging ways. We’ll also weave in extra content that is tailored directly to meet participant requests and needs.
Opening 2 spots in my practice!
After working largely with groups the past year I’m rediscovering my love of individual work.
As a diplomate of process-oriented psychology, certified coach, network facilitator, and holistic counselor, I’ll partner with you to realize more of your gifts and find greater meaning and joy in life.
Here are some of the topics I am passionate about exploring:
Uncover the meaning of dreams and dream-like experiences
Connect with inner clarity, creativity, and knowing
Find quiet and get centered in yourself
Engage and activate more of your inner and outer networks; the strengths within you, and the community and opportunities around you
Understand your life myth and how it connects with your purpose
Clarify your values and guiding principles
Cultivating awareness is one of the many paths through which we can reconnect with a sense of purpose, enhance our relationships and lead a more meaningful life. If you or anyone you know is interested learn more and book here: https://catalysttochange.biz/offerings/p/sessions